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Preview It! (Copy Script Below)[feedwebsitelink-start][feedtitle][feedwebsitelink-end][itemtemplate-start][link-start][title][link-end] [date][author] [summary] [itemtemplate-end] [feedcopyright] Copy the script below and paste into your page's HTML. Feel free to edit it after you have copied it into your page.
Do you have your own RSS feeds? Gain traffic to your site by allowing others to use your feeds as content for their websites.
You can easily make your RSS feeds available to others to pull and render into their websites using our tool, and as you know, these feeds can link back to your site. And if they share your feeds with other publishers, you could get even more visits than you thought was possible. This is an easy way to generate traffic for free! Simply create a URL as shown below and it will preload this page with it:<Your Feed URL Here> Ex: Learn more about this exciting new feature and see how to use our popular feed resyndication icons... |
Premium Service Details and Pricing | X | ||||||||||||||
The BlastCasta premium service allows you to remove BlastCasta branding from the widget for a monthly fee based on the number of times your widget is loaded on your website.
Pricing for the BlastCasta Premium Service is as follows:
* Note: the first 100 widget loads per month are free to allow for live testing. You would not be billed for testing while loading the widget under a file: protocol, under the localhost domain, nor under the IP address. You can get statistics on the number of widget loads per domain by viewing the Premium Service report while logged into your BlastCasta account. ** Beyond one million premium widget loads, the amount billed is $19.95 for each additional 500,000 widget loads. Publishers using this service are billed monthly for the sum of all of their widget loads. You can cancel at anytime. |